Why Robert Kiyosaki Endorses Network Marketing – NMPRO #1,125

In this video, titled “Why Robert Kiyosaki Endorses Network Marketing – NMPRO #1,125,” Eric Worre from Network Marketing Pro discusses the reasons why network marketing is a great entrepreneurial decision, especially in today’s challenging economic landscape. With a decreasing number of job opportunities and American companies outsourcing their workforce, it has become crucial to explore alternative paths to financial success. One of the main reasons Kiyosaki endorses network marketing is because many individuals are caught in the cycle of depending solely on a paycheck, which he believes is a detrimental plot that strips away their freedom and independence. Kiyosaki and his wife, Kim, view network marketing not as a mere income-generating opportunity but as a platform for entrepreneur development. They assert that building a network marketing business takes time and dedication, and it may not yield immediate rewards like a regular paycheck. However, in the long run, it can provide financial abundance and liberation from the constraints of a job. By shifting the mindset from an employee-oriented approach to an entrepreneurial one, individuals can break free from the stranglehold of a limited paycheck and build a thriving business instead. So, if you aspire to escape the rat race, network marketing may just be the answer to your entrepreneurial dreams, offering a pathway to financial prosperity and personal fulfillment.

Why Robert Kiyosaki Endorses Network Marketing

Network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing (MLM), has gained both popularity and controversy over the years. Despite the mixed opinions, renowned author and entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki has openly endorsed network marketing as a viable path to financial success and independence. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind Kiyosaki’s endorsement and delve into the benefits of network marketing for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Reasons for Kiyosaki’s endorsement

Robert Kiyosaki recognizes the challenging landscape of today’s economy, where job scarcity is becoming increasingly prevalent. American corporations claim to be hiring, but in reality, they are outsourcing jobs overseas, leaving fewer opportunities for individuals seeking traditional employment. Kiyosaki’s endorsement of network marketing stems from his understanding of this job scarcity and the need for alternative income sources.

Additionally, Kiyosaki recognizes the addiction that people have to a paycheck. He refers to the paycheck as one of the most sinister plots ever pulled upon a human being. When individuals become reliant on a regular paycheck, they unknowingly surrender their freedom and potential for financial growth. Kiyosaki believes that network marketing offers a way out of this paycheck mentality, allowing individuals to take control of their own financial destiny.

The problem with the paycheck mentality

The paycheck mentality is characterized by the fear and dependence on job security. Many people are stuck in jobs they dislike simply because they are afraid of the financial instability that comes with branching out on their own. They feel trapped by the need for a steady paycheck and are unwilling to take risks.

By relying solely on a paycheck, individuals limit their financial growth and freedom. Pay raises and promotions are often the only means of increasing income, and these opportunities may not always be readily available. The paycheck mentality prevents individuals from exploring alternative sources of income and hinders their ability to achieve true financial independence.

Thinking of network marketing as entrepreneur development

One reason Kiyosaki endorses network marketing is because he views it as more than just a marketing strategy. He sees it as a means of developing entrepreneurs. Rather than being solely focused on selling products or services, network marketing encourages personal and professional growth.

In network marketing, individuals have the opportunity to build their own businesses. This shift in perspective empowers them to think beyond immediate financial gain and to prioritize long-term goals. It requires a commitment to delayed gratification and the understanding that success may not come overnight.

Building a business vs getting rich quick

Kiyosaki critiques the get-rich-quick mindset that is prevalent in society. He questions the effectiveness and sustainability of quick wealth accumulation. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of building a business that can thrive in the long run.

Network marketing teaches aspiring entrepreneurs the value of patience and perseverance. Success is not synonymous with overnight riches but is instead the result of consistent effort and dedication. By building a solid foundation through network marketing, individuals can develop a sustainable business that provides ongoing income and financial stability.

The entrepreneurial mindset

At the core of Kiyosaki’s endorsement of network marketing is the embrace of the entrepreneurial mindset. He encourages individuals to adopt the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, including risk-taking, innovation, and the ability to think outside the box.

By immersing oneself in the world of network marketing, individuals can cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit. They learn to be proactive rather than reactive, seeking out opportunities and taking ownership of their financial future. This mindset becomes a distinguishing factor that sets them apart from the majority who remain stuck in a paycheck mentality.

Getting away from the paycheck mentality

Transitioning from being an employee to becoming an entrepreneur requires overcoming the fear of financial instability. Many people are reluctant to leave the safety net of a regular paycheck and take the leap into the unknown. However, breaking free from the limitations of employment is essential for personal and financial growth.

Network marketing offers a pathway to escape the paycheck mentality. It serves as a stepping stone for individuals to reinvent their relationship with money. By diversifying income streams and seeking alternative sources of income, individuals can gradually distance themselves from the reliance on a single paycheck.

Time required to transition

Kiyosaki acknowledges that transitioning from a paycheck mentality to an entrepreneurial mindset takes time. He suggests a realistic timeframe of 2-3 years to fully detach from the reliance on a regular paycheck. During this time, individuals must commit to building their network marketing business and establishing a solid foundation for future success.

Long-term commitment is crucial in the world of network marketing. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but rather a journey towards financial independence. By investing time and effort into network marketing, individuals can gradually transition from the security of a paycheck to the freedom and autonomy of entrepreneurship.

Network marketing as a cure for the loser employee mentality

The loser employee mentality refers to the mindset of individuals who are resigned to the limitations of employment and lack the drive to pursue entrepreneurship. Network marketing presents an opportunity to break free from this mentality and develop a mindset focused on growth and autonomy.

Through network marketing, individuals are empowered to take control of their own destiny. They become business owners and gain the potential to create wealth and financial stability. Network marketing serves as a stepping stone for transforming the loser employee mentality into an entrepreneurial spirit.


In conclusion, Robert Kiyosaki’s endorsement of network marketing stems from his recognition of the job scarcity in today’s economy and the addiction that people have to a regular paycheck. He believes that network marketing offers a viable path to financial freedom and independence.

By shifting one’s perspective and embracing the entrepreneurial mindset, individuals can overcome the limitations of employment and build their own businesses through network marketing. This transition requires patience, commitment, and a willingness to take risks.

Network marketing serves as a cure for the loser employee mentality and empowers individuals to take control of their own financial destiny. It offers the opportunity for personal and professional growth, long-term success, and the achievement of true financial independence. To follow in the footsteps of Robert Kiyosaki, aspiring entrepreneurs should consider exploring the world of network marketing and embracing the entrepreneurial spirit.